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Our Projects

Our CREHSCI is comprised of three main themes: comprehensive evaluation of integrated-cased initiatives with social care approach, the context of integrated care, and Global policy learning and translation. 

Business Meeting

Theme A: Comprehensive Evaluation

This theme focuses on advancing knowledge regarding the health and social needs of people living in adversity and encompasses the evaluation of services and interventions that integrate health and social care. Interventions to improve health and social outcomes must be developmentally focused across the life-course and across a range of settings. These interventions might be designed to target physical, psychological, and social conditions occurring with different frequency and with different impact at various stages of life-course development.

Image by Joshua Rodriguez

Theme B: Context of Integrated Care

This theme focuses on advancing knowledge and understanding of the barriers and facilitators to system change – inparticularly with respect to scaling up and embedding health and social care services. The objects of investigationare local systems – e.g. the Sydney Local Health District as well as whole state systems e.g. relationships betweenhealth and social government departments, governance, financing, federalism and leadership, and non-governmentand non-profit organisations. Research in this theme will also explore how knowledge generated at the level ofinterventions and services can be scaled-up, financed and embedded as part of larger system change.

Image by Brigitte Tohm

Theme C: Policy Learning

This theme focuses on developing local, national and international dialogues to contribute to a greater understanding and cascade of ideas for policy change. This theme includes analysing integrated health and social care policies with a local, national and international comparative scope; building an epistemic community around the integration of health and social care; and macro and well as micro level action to guide policy change.

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